Thursday, June 23, 2011

Creative Rez-a-may

Great-Nephew's birth announcement

Baby Quilt
Over the years, I've found different projects to get into. 

Thomas is my niece, LeAnne's, son.  (Anne's mom is my sister, Jody.)  He's nearly four and a smart little man.  I designed the cross-stitch announcement.  My husband, Dave, sculpted the sun and helped me complete the 3-D scene with railroad tracks and trees. 

Handmade wedding albums are my favorite wedding gift.  I try to match the colors to the bridesmaids' colors. 

I've been making baby quilts as long as I can remember. 

Some projects are even edible.  For my brother's daughter, Audrey, I once made a Rice Krispie treat "pepperoni" pizza for her birthday.  I used a hairspray cap (don't worry, I cleaned it first!) to cut out round pieces of strawberry Roll-Ups. 

I also enjoy knitting.  For the past two years, I've met with a group at church.  The first project we did as a group was make baby caps to send to third-world countries.  Babies there have a high mortality rate and one of the reasons is they lose a lot of body heat when they're first born.  It's nice to think something I knitted could save a little one's life.

Baby Caps
Rice Krispie Pepperoni Pizza


Wedding Photo Album

1 comment:

  1. I'm smiling at the number of projects I recognize from generous gifts you brought into my house! We treasure the quilt most! Let me know if you want photos....
    Also, remember the lawn mower cupcake? The earrings you made me and bracelet you made Makenna? Little pumpkin with flowers inside? So many fun ones.
